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#tragic comedy +15

By Alexandru KIRIȚESCU
Direction and music selection: Petru VUTCĂRĂU

Piece "The Chickens" (or "The Wasp's Nest") is one of the valuable comedies of the interwar period in the national dramaturgy. A tragic comedy in two acts. The author attacks a society in full process of decomposition, a society that clings to old forms of a life locked in prejudices and formal traditions.

Humor is a priority and the text aims to highlight the lack of culture of rich people who only want to travel and spend the whole day doing absolutely nothing. The show presents the realities of our world, regardless of the period.

Artistic team:

Author – Alexandru KIRIȚESCU

Direction and music selection – Petru VUTCĂRĂU

Set painter – Ana CEBOTAR

Costume painter – Inga BOTNARIUC

Head of production and installation – Ludmila FURDUI

Technical director – Ion ROTARU


Aneta Duduleanu – Ala MENțICOV

Zoe – Natalia PRODAN


Ianache Duduleanu – Nicolae NEGHIN

Colette Duduleanu – Dorina – Beatrice TIMCIUC

Wanda Serafim – Doina ARVAT

Mircea Aldea – Alexandru BERBINSCHI

Margareta Aldea – Marina ROTARU

George Duduleanu – Laurentiu VUTCĂRĂU

Fraulein – Iulia BORDEIANU

Zamfira – Valeria GARțAN